You can influence external sources to cause events that will give you what you want. Positive thinking and gratitude can help you receive more of what you have. In fact, all thoughts are really requests for more of the same, … Continue reading
You can influence external sources to cause events that will give you what you want. Positive thinking and gratitude can help you receive more of what you have. In fact, all thoughts are really requests for more of the same, … Continue reading
Neuro associations (NA) are connections/links between a specific intense state of mind and a specific external source which may be a touch, something we see, something we hear or even a memory. For example, a song that reminds you vividly … Continue reading
The SWISH is an excellent technique which allows us to change undesired habits or responses quickly and easily. With the SWISH we can interrupt the patterns we no longer want and replace them with habits which support us and help … Continue reading
Ever heard someone who said: “Oh, I will quit on Monday! That’s it, I truly had enough on this junk! Let the weekend go buy and then I will quit” or “From January I will change, I will go on … Continue reading
If you landed on this article without having gone through The Sales Masochist and the £1,000,000.00 I strongly recommend that you do read that first or this article may not make all the sense that it can make. Doing things … Continue reading
It is funny how we, human beings, sometimes almost purposely choose to not see the road-sign that clearly indicates “Success” and choose the one that very clearly states “Failure” instead. We all do it at some point in our lives … Continue reading
This article highlights similarities and differences which can be found in different styles and/or types of coaching. In my experience of delivering coaching to individuals, teams and groups, I have learnt to adopt the most appropriate form of coaching while maintaining the key proposition: helping business individuals to identify and address issues that prevent them from being highly successful and releasing their full potential. Continue reading
The first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about the word champion is sport: at the same time being a champion, the first in your discipline or category can be applied to other areas of life as well as in business: this article will analyse what can help you finding your own inner champion. Continue reading
The Now What? Situation can have serious repercussions for those business owners that fail to react or, better, prevent it and take the necessary steps at the right time. Continue reading
There are many misconceptions about what a business coach is and can do for your business: I am convinced that this is mainly because coaching is still an unregulated profession and literally any cowboy can call himself coach and start … Continue reading